Read more from Caitlin.

As Caitlin Rozakis


Short Stories Behind a Paywall

Those Who Remain (Aurealis #146)

She fishes for souls with a lantern made of heartbreak.


Never Send a Man (Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2022)

Steal a statue back from a seductive evil sorceress…what could go wrong?

As R. Rozakis


Free Short Stories

Studies on the Impact of Homeschooling, or When Not to Wear a Tuxedo (Cast of Wonders)

The lonely child of two mad scientists captures her very own secret agent.

In the Depths of the Museum (Daily Science Fiction)

Don’t wander too far from the tour.

Lorelei (Lumina)

She hadn’t realized the ship’s name was a joke until the dying man at the other end of the signal told her.

Nettles (Every Day Fiction)

Rapunzel’s ever after.

No Deal with the Devil (Liquid Imagination)

From the day they signed the adoption paperwork, David always knew something would take Hannah away from them.

Lovers’ Quarrel (Liquid Imagination)

An assassination is the perfect time to work out your relationship issues.

Short Stories Behind a Paywall

And Taxes (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine)

A government mage temping for the IRS tries to audit a renegade sorcerer.

Toxicity (Bards and Sages Quarterly)

The victim of a workplace shooting is haunted by her former coworkers.

The Changeling (Weirdbook #37)

As soon as she looked in the cradle, Abigail knew it was not her baby.

Seeds (Allegory Volume 31/58)

When your mother is the very archetype of overbearing.

Acting (Allegory Volume 37/64)

Nate’s only doing the acting gig because the portal kicked him out of his kingdom.


Bell, Cog, and Scandal (Clockwork Chaos)

A lady inventor races to prove herself and join a ground-breaking airship research crew…but her new assistant may prove to be more distracting than she bargained for.

Spheres of Influence (Substitution Cipher)

In a clockwork Venice, a spy races to recover secrets that could sink the city.

Investigations upon Taxonomy of Venomous Squamates (Bakers Street Irregulars II: The Game is Afoot)

An alternate Sherlock Holmes and his fugitive AI Watson go up against a rogue bio-cyberneticist.

As Catherine Beck



Leah’s Perfect Christmas

In this romantic comedy novella, discover that sometimes the true meaning of Christmas…is Chinese food dinner with your family on Long Island.

Short Stories

All the Munchies

A special bonus short story featuring the cast of Leah’s Perfect Christmas. Maddie and Kennedy open a food stand. Available only to newsletter subscribers - subscribe today!